Donate to CWC With Paypal or Check

The Claremont Wildlands Conservancy needs your support to achieve our dual mission of preserving the open spaces of the Claremont hillsides and ensuring public access for passive recreation. Our current campaign focuses on acquiring the “Clara Oaks” parcel for the Claremont Hills Wilderness Park. (see details on home page).

If you wish to make a DONATION: Donations give us maximum flexibility and support our ongoing acquisition efforts as well as CWC expenses in general We recognize various levels of contribution:
$5000 + Golden Eagle
$2500-$4999 Mountain Lion
$1000-$2499 Grey Fox
$500-$999 Black Bear
$100-$499 Bobcat
$50-$99 Mule Deer
$25-$49 Coyote
$10-$24 Kangaroo Rat

You may make your donation in one of two ways:
A) Donate using Paypal or your credit card (feel free to include a message to us with your contribution.)

B) To pay by check, fill out the CWC Donation form found on the top menu and mail it in along with your check made out to “Claremont Wildlands Conservancy” to

P. O. Box 544
Claremont, CA 91711

Claremont Wildlands Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation (#95- 4777423). Donations are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law.